Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dear Pilgrims

To my great joy, I learned last week that I was accepted to a Campus Ministry program that takes students to the Holy Land for spring break. Going to the Holy Land has been a dream of mine for many years. I worked very hard on my application essays and I was genuinely thrilled when I received my acceptance email. I'm looking forward to this trip so much.

The group of pilgrims will meet several times before our trip for classes and times of prayer designed to prepare us for our journey. Tomorrow is our first meeting, from 5 to 7 pm in the Oak Room. One of the program coordinators, Layla Karst, sent us an email with our reading assignment for the first class. The subject heading read "Dear Pilgrims," and when I read that I was reminded of the spiritual nature of our journey. It really brought home to me the reality that I will actually be traveling to the Holy Land, as I have longed to do. (Although I have to admit, I still can't quite believe it!)

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